Freedom from anger.

“Where there is anger there is always pain underneath.” – Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now.

Anger does not only harm the people around you, but deep inside you feel pain because of it too. Its a nerve-wracking sensation. You fail to get hold over yourself, and often behave in way which fills you with remorse later. So, I have some solutions through which a person can remain calm.

  1. Change your posture. If you are standing, sit down and vice versa.Untitled.png
  2. Drink water, or wash your face.Untitled1.png
  3. Just for a while think of all blessings you have.                    Untitled1

But even then if you fail to get hold, apologize. Be sorry to person you have hurt, and tell that person you have been going through tough time and present that person with some cute little thing, such as, a lovely note or a chocolate.

Practice it, it has made difference in my life!

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