All they need is care. 

Sometimes its fine to overlook your own self, and think about others in your community or social circle. There are people who may not want to share their stories, with you. You don’t need to ask them, as they might not feel comfortable about it. But, you know every time you talk to them, looking straight into their eyes, they feel strain. Appearing carefree in front of you, they may be fighting battle inside.Watch out, try to engage them in conversation which can help them in overcoming the burden they are bearing. Such people are not in need of sympathy, they are just seeking for care and attention. Ensure your presence around them. Listen carefully, every word they utter. And when you leave, make sure that they have been uplifted. 

Pretender- Fragile creature

The girl who trembles ,

when the clouds thunder,

she is the one whose heart is pure,

she thinks, for every mess love is the cure,

selfishness, cleverness are the words she doesn’t know,

as she believes, affection and compassion need to grow,

she shows patience even if you misbehave,

people call her fragile, but she is brave,

though she smiles, by hiding her tears,

no one can know the pain she bears,

even if her feelings she tries to hide,

pretender she is, but her eyes don’t lie.

(Description of my Best Friend)

Encounter that changed life.

She perceived the world as unfair and unjust. And believed that people worship their own being and no one cares about other beings. Thinking that kindness is just a word, appropriate for sayings and quotes, she kept moving forward in her life. But one day she experienced what she had never expected. While she was waiting at bus stop, she saw a man. His appearance reflected condition of an absolute poverty. Suddenly, a car passed by him and a splashing of muddy water from a nearby puddle made his condition even worse. Affirmed in her belief she complained God about such an injustice. The poor man approached her and stood by her side. She thought he would beg for cash, so she took out her purse and offered him money. But the man refused. Stunned by this act, she asked for the reason and the reply of man changed her belief. He said ‘My dear daughter! Money cannot buy everything. Because, there are things, such as sympathy, affection, that are more valuable and you cannot afford to have those things by spending such mere sum. What do you think, can a billionaire have a sound sleep thinking that at any moment everything he considers his asset can be stolen? So today I pray for you that may God gives you reward for your kind gesture, and may He guides those who look down upon me and people like me.’ And he shouted ‘Compassion is invincible’.   

Freedom from anger.

“Where there is anger there is always pain underneath.” – Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now.

Anger does not only harm the people around you, but deep inside you feel pain because of it too. Its a nerve-wracking sensation. You fail to get hold over yourself, and often behave in way which fills you with remorse later. So, I have some solutions through which a person can remain calm.

  1. Change your posture. If you are standing, sit down and vice versa.Untitled.png
  2. Drink water, or wash your face.Untitled1.png
  3. Just for a while think of all blessings you have.                    Untitled1

But even then if you fail to get hold, apologize. Be sorry to person you have hurt, and tell that person you have been going through tough time and present that person with some cute little thing, such as, a lovely note or a chocolate.

Practice it, it has made difference in my life!